Four close-ups are available - by clicking parts of the image
(scroll down to see a list of printing impressions)

A pair of pages in my on-line Encyclopedia of Woodblock Printmaking illustrate
the process of making the gold and mica impressions on this print.

'Red Dragonfly'


Printing impressions (10):

  1. Background
    - sand
  2. Background gradation
    - sand
  3. Gold flakes (almost invisible in this scan ...)
  4. Key block
    - sumi
  5. Bamboo
    - slightly darker sand
  6. Plant outlines
    - light green
  7. Plant body colour
    - light green
  8. Dragonfly body
    - red
  9. Dragonfly 'tone'
    - grey
  10. Iridescent wings
    - 'ummo' (mica powder)